At the start of the year, we have made a point to spend our first weeks in prayer and fasting. I love doing this because it helps us align ourselves to God. Where people usually make goals and resolutions, I choose start my year listening to God. I want to dedicate my time strengthening my relationship with Him. I am giving Him my whole year and I don’t want to do anything that He has not called me out to do.

As we are seeking more of God and feasting in His presence, it’s also a delight to be interceding for other people. I would be getting a list of prayer request from people for me to pray for. This year though, God has been speaking in my heart about how we should pray.
The prayer list is always noble in a way that many ask for their relationship with the Lord to be more intimate, to be a godly wife and mother, and to be a better Christian. These are wonderful prayer list but we must now turn these prayers in light of the truth of God’s word and declare it.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21
There is power in our words. Words can edify and build us up and they can also curse and tear us down. The book of Job 22:28 makes a powerful statement “ You will declare a thing, And it will be established for you;” What you say has a lasting impact.
Our kids had an experiment talking to plants. We had two plants. One plant got a dose of positive declarations daily and the other one got all the bad and negative words. We saw that in just 3 days, the plant that received positive declarations was growing very healthy while the one that was receiving negative words was dying. What an amazing illustration of how powerful our words are. If our words can impact even a plant, what more people? Imagine what it would look like if a whole community would declare the goodness of God in their midst, that space and atmosphere in that area will change. You will see the transformation.
The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
For the Jews, the decade of 2020s is declared as the “Decade of the mouth.” Even though we are in a time where masks and face shields are the norm, what should be the norm is speaking about the good news of Jesus to everyone. This is a reminder that we are given the power to speak life. But knowing this, also means we have to be very careful how we speak. We need to speak the word of God so we can see our breakthrough.
So today, I want to encourage everyone to speak the Word of God into their own life and speak it into existence as a declaration. It’s time to pray powerfully by transforming your prayers into declarations. When you declare in faith, you activate the power and promises of God in your life. It’s also a way to align yourself to God’s word and will.
Let me make my declaration today.
- I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love. (Romans 8:38-39)
- I am abiding in the Lord, therefore I manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I have intimacy with Him that bears much fruit. (Galatians 5:22-23, John 15:5)
- I am blessed! I am blessed in my coming and going. I am blessed in this city. I am blessed in this country. (Deuteronomy 28:3,6)
- I am blessed with every spiritual blessing from the heavenlies. (Ephesians 1:3)
- The Lord favors me. Everything I put in my hands is blessed. My family is blessed. My provision is blessed. (Deuteronomy 28:8-12)
- I love wisdom. I do not lack wisdom because I ask God who generously gives me all that I need. (James 1:5)
- I have the mind of Christ. I am full of creativity, strategy, and solutions for today’s problems. (1 Cor 2:16)
- I walk in love with my spouse giving him kindness, patience and do not take account of the wrong instead I am full of hope, full of faith, and steadfast. Because of Christ our love and marriage will never fail. ( 1 Cor 13:4-7)`
- All of my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be taught by the Lord. They will have an intimate relationship with Him and will be established by Him. The peace of God surrounds them. (Isaiah 54:13-14)
- I am blessed with friends who I sow love, kindness, loyalty, honesty, and faithfulness. Therefore I receive the same kind of friendship that is loving, kind, loyal, honest, and faithful. ( Luke 6:38)
- I am victorious in Christ. I stand from victory not fighting for victory. (1 Cor 15:57)
- I am running my race with joy and endurance as I keep my eyes on Jesus. I am a strong finisher.