Its amazing what God can do to you when he calls you out to be a mother. I believe every mother have the natural ability to nurture, protect and love their children. This transformation comes to life when God ordained you to be a mother. Motherhood comes in different forms too… the single moms, the step moms, nuclear moms, mom of one child, moms of multiple children, newbie moms, the adoptive moms, the mother-in-laws, the grand moms, godparent moms and spiritual moms (women who mentor other women have spiritual children!). Whatever state of motherhood you are in I salute you.

Only mothers truly know what the word “sacrifice” means. Most mothers will never know what a decent sleep means anymore. Work does not stop within 8 or even 16 hours. Were all praying for a 25th hour. We want to make sure the needs of our family are covered. It’s amazing how multi-talented we all are. We are teachers, disciplers, nurses/doctors, cooks, house manager, a tantrum diffuser, a finance officer, handyman, personal shopper, driver, entrepreneur and the list can go on and on. But I thank God that this is how he designed us. As we are life-givers to our husbands, God has given us the special ability to touch the life of somebody else and mold them. It is my prayer that we can closely model and mold our kids to be more Christ-like. Its not hard, its impossible! But with God nothing is truly impossible.


I want to share with you a new calling that God has put in my heart. Since December of 2014, every other Wednesday afternoon, we open our building to sharing God’s word to the community around us. We were surprisingly amazed that God sent more children than adults.



We adopted the AWANA Children’s program and we are falling in love with these kids week after week.


Most of these children come from very broken backgrounds.


Some are abandoned by their parents and are now living with relatives.



Some of them already are acting like “parents” to their younger siblings because their parents are either abroad, home only on weekends and some even separated.IMG_3615








Some children spend most of their time hanging out on the streets with other kids because they have absentee parents.


But on Wednesdays they come to us and we lavish them with God’s love.IMG_3624Every other week this is where I let my heart bleed. I bleed for these kids because they are precious and special yet in many ways very lost. Together with our brothers and sisters in Christ, who have the same love and vision, we are giving these kids a time of their life.



They come and experience fun, food, rewards and love of Christ.


I love my children but I never realized that God can make my heart so big to love children that are not even my own. Today I am loving these kids with a perspective not who they are today but what they will become because of Jesus.

IMG_3621. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16