We took a diving trip to Batangas as we end 2020 and everything was like a prophetic message of encouragement and hope.
Its important to note that God speaks to us all the time. We only need to tune in and that’s where many of us miss out. On this trip, I could not help but notice how God was speaking to me through His creation. As we left at about 530am – the Lord showed me the sunrise. Immediately I just felt the Lord assuring me…

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; They are new every morning. Great is his faithfulness – Lamentations 3:22-23
For a tough 2020, this was like a hug from Daddy God telling me everything will be alright. Everything that was painful and bitter – He is making it all new. He is faithful. His love surrounds me and fills me. I am complete in Him.

As we were setting out to scuba dive, we took a boat on calm waters. Boat symbolizes your ministry and your life and the water represent the Holy Spirit. I once again was encouraged by the Lord whether its within my family or my calling to keep moving with the Holy Spirit. He is taking me on a journey that is completely supernatural. I just need to keep abiding. And as we got down the water – it was truly beautiful, I could not help but worship the King. He is worthy of praise and adoration. Even the underwater, they all declare his glory and masterpiece.

As I got out of the water – the sky was glaring with His glory and I saw the cloud shaped like a heart. I heard him say it again:
the LORD appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. – Jeremiah 31:3

As we set back – the sun began to set and here I am tearing because I just feel the immense love of Daddy God on me. When at times you feel your love tank is running on empty, no one can fill it but God. I was flooded with thoughts of all the prophetic words spoken over me and John and I know that they are not returning void or empty. Many have come to passed and He will finish what He has spoken.

The Divemaster told me to look back and I could see the rain behind us but where we are the sun is setting and the breeze was amazing. I remember the verse in John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
It’s the way we view things that changes the way our life turns out .We can keep looking back at our regrets, mistakes and failures and go nowhere. God wants us to look at His promises. We can choose to look at the goodness of God and that perspective transforms the our life.
The cold full moon showed up. Though we slept early, at 3am, the brightness of the moon awoke me. Once again the Lord was reminding me that He is the Light in the darkness. Where there is darkness, His light shines brightest. I was in awe of His amazing presence. If you feel that darkness has overcome you… know that that greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world. So find the light and walk into that path.

The next morning, I finally finished my 1 year bible reading plan and it ends in the book of Job and Revelation.
I resonate with Job for the many times I talked to God in a way that was quite careless and dishonoring. I realized that I know nothing of what He does. That I am given the invitation to know Him more and grow deep in His Word. I have not arrived and often times I fail. Often times I still hurt and betray my Lord. But now God after everything that took place, I see You. I repent of my foolish ways.
“I have heard of You by hearing of the ear but now my eyes sees You. Therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.”
And it says that the Lord restored all losses when he prayed for his friends and the Lord blessed him double as he had before and his latter days were even more blessed than his former.
Revelation reveals that Jesus is coming quickly and He is bringing our reward according to our work and so it’s a reminder to keep doing what God has called us to do till He returns.

And after 2 more amazing dives, we get back to the resort and rain just started to pour. It was a time to be still. Little did I know that we would actually be seeing this huge rainbow shine upon us. God again was telling me of his promises. He did not only show me 1 rainbow but 3 more on our way home. I know clearly God wants to remind me that God who began a good work within me is going to finish what He started.
Because you are precious in my eyes,
and honored, and I love you,
I give men in return for you,
peoples in exchange for your life. – Isaiah 43:4
The year 2020 was a year for many to turn to God and see God’s faithfulness. Though it may have been a hard year. It was filled with God’s goodness. I could not thank Him enough for sharpening and strengthening my faith in this season. And one thing is clear. He never left us nor forsaken us. He in fact poured out his endless love that radically brings us back to Him.