Just came from the Intentional Disciple Making Church Conference in Singapore last August 28-Sept 1, 2018 week and that’s where I witnessed faith in action.
Last year, on the day of the same conference, the host called alphabetically each country and each time, the contingent would should cheer to make their country’s presence felt. When Philippines was called, we just heard murmurs. During that conference, we found out there’s actually many filipinos that attend but we were surprised no one cheered. It was because the filipinos were not united and sat separated from each other.
A few months ago, we had this God idea that since we knew some people who were going. Why not create a viber group so that we could all sit together. So we did and there were about 10 of us. We told each one that if they knew anyone else going to simply just add their names.
When we get to Singapore, my wife had asked a friend to buy her a Philippine flag. So I thought it was just for picture. Then she started looking for a pole… I told her “just hold it” but she said “No in my dream I had a pole and I was waving the flag.” Quite certain she won’t find any, I just played along. However, it turned out that one of the girls we were with had a long selfie stick and she said “This would do”
So on the 1st day of the conference there she was in the middle of the crowd waving her flag. Coincidentally, the theme for the theme for this year’s conference was “FAITH AND FIRE” and she had so much of both you I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought she was actually part of the set. To be honest, at that time, I stayed about 2-3 steps away from her and If you asked me to describe her she looked “out of her mind and pitiful”.
After about 15 minutes, I person approached her and asked what the flag was for… she said “I’m standing in for my country to unite the Church because last year, we saw how disunited the Filipino churches are so I’m waving the banner and rallying the churches to come sit together and perhaps snap some photos that at least in this event we can be one. I’m confident God will give us the next steps after…” and that person chose to stand with her. Then a group came and asked the same question, then another group came and another group came…
She’d carry the flag around day in day out, during worship service and all… and before we know it, there were hundreds of people behind us…. The organizers even interviewed her and showed her on the big screen. When her image came out of the big screen, people cheered!
Our God honors faith…. God sees perseverance… and God is moved by our hearts. The power of a faith as small as a mustard seed and I guess thats what this blog is all about.
God has given us the burden of seeing the Churches unite and act as one body. We firmly believe with all our heart that it’s the plan of God for us because only then can we attract the lost.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples… if you love one another.” John 13:35