14 years flew by so fast. I could still remember how I carried you in my arms wherever I went. I must admit, I did not know how to raise you but my love for you was my source of confidence. I wanted to be the best mom to you so I took bold steps to do things out of my comfort zone. One of them was homeschooling you. I cried and wrestled getting into this because it meant dying to myself everyday. But I desired to be intentional in parenting you. Today I can tell you that I am so blessed to have walked with you during this season of your life. We do have a lot of great memories together. You got into gymnastics, theater, swimming, piano, arts, voice, animation, editing, writing, photography, cooking, baking, part time working and even serving in the community. We traveled a whole lot. It was our way of exposing you to the world and yet preparing you for the great things God has in stored for you. God is also preparing me to start letting you go and allow you to spread your wings.

So I prepared for this day. I first learned about the rights of passage from the brother of Mama – Uncle Joey during one of his visits. He explained how we need to give our children our blessing to go to the next level in adulthood. We need to lead them and give them the right path to it. This impacted me deeply. During last year’s Counterflow Conference, Cassie and his wife Jenny Carsten, reinforced this message again. They said that when we pass on the rights and responsibility of being an adult to our young adults, they need to know what it will entail. So my dear daughter, I really wanted to give you that opportunity that I never had… I want you to enter womanhood with grace, gentleness and honor. This is really the true celebration I wanted you to have. So together with some of your aunts we pass you the wisdom we learned in our life from our own victories and failures.

So here are the words of wisdom that we wanted to impart to you.
Sabrina, we are blessed you are now a young woman. In this age, what we want you to embrace is your true Identity in Christ. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Never ever doubt that. Do not conform to the world – the world will always trick you and give you lies. Instead put your focus in pleasing God. You only need His approval. Do not be swayed by the promises of this world. True success is found in rooting and grounding yourself in God’s word. Continue to have a heart of obedience to us your parents. Sometimes you may question us or some of the things we will say may not make any sense to you, I need you to trust our hearts. We will always want the best for you.

You will always have a choice. So choose wisely and be responsible for your choices. Every action has its consequence. If you need to seek wisdom, ask God who gives true wisdom and understanding. Choose the right friends. Your friends can bring out the best in you but they can also bring out the worst in you.

Choose to be pure. Keep yourself for God’s best. Do not give yourself to anyone – it will be a deadly poison to your body. Learn to wait and honor God. Remember, you are worth waiting for and you are more precious than these cheap thrills and promises.

Learn to respond with a gentle and quiet spirit. Your positive attitude will take you places even in rooms of leaders and influencers. Load yourself with ammunition of prayer. A prayerful woman is a strong woman. In the midst of prayer, your spiritual eyes and ears will be sensitive to God’s leading. I want you to know that even if you think you are young, you can make an impact. Always have the God-confidence within you. If your doing something God called you out, don’t be afraid to go all out.
In fact, I want you to dream big. Dream big for the Lord. We were made to bring glory to His Name. So I pray you will desire to bring Him praise.

Life is not a bed of roses. There will be ups and downs that’s why I have surrounded you with aunts that can give you godly advices. You are never alone. Lastly, be a good steward with what God has given you. There are no room for laziness. So I encourage you to keep doing hard things – so that when the right time comes, you will be ready for greater things. Lastly be a generous giver. Give to those who are in need. Whether its your time, talent or treasure – all of this was meant to be given so that more people will know the Lord.
I love you Sabrina. The best is yet to come.